miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

New Headway Pre- Intermediate - Unit 6

Resumen Pag 50 y 51
London the world in one city
London in the 21st century is the most diverse city. This is one of the reasons why it was chosen to host the 2012 Olympic Games. Over 300 languages ​​are spoken by
people in London and has 50 nationalities
populations over 10,000. London is a place of business. The London people are not as friendly as some of other nationalities. But this has its advantages people leave you alone, and you are free to live his own life. Finally, the reason is the food delicious. You can
dinner in over 70 different nationalities
restaurant any day of the week. Londoners
enthusiasm for foreign food creates thousands of jobs
for new communities.
Posh Daddy from Nigeria
Posh Daddy is the manager of Great Selection of Barber
Peckham High Street. This is one of the West Indies and Africa hairdressing. These two communities do not always get along. When he arrived he wanted to be accepted, but they were very friendly.
Staff  in the kitchen of the Asadal
Asadal is a Korean restaurant in an English town, said the manager of Asadal New Malden.This restaurant is famous for its kimchi, peppers, salt, hot pepper and vegetables.

The staff in the Yasar Halim Bakery
Yasar Halim, a Turkish grocery and bakery, is known throughout London. the store is famous for its baklava, a sweet cake made with walnuts and honey.

Portuguese football fans in the FC Porto Fan Club in Stockweel
The President of the Fan Club that meets in Porto Stockwell., Jose Antonio says Football is a passion for us. Eric Santos, is the owner of Santos coffee. People go to his wife bacalhau- salt cod, made with potatoes and onions. There is a large community of Portuguese-speaking countries of Portugal, Brazil and Madeira, but not always stay together.

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